
Welcome to our Support Center

How can we help you?

Get inmediate technical support by phone, chat or email. Get started.

Repair and Service

Find the most convenient option to get a repair for your product, or check the progress of a current repair.

Repair options: Whichever option you choose, you’ll get your product back working exactly the way it should.

  • Send your machine to our repair center
  • Visit an authorized service provider
  • Request a repair on premises

Learn more.

Status of repair: To review the status of a single repair, please have the following information at hand:

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Review your warranty status.

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Service Contracts

Our support and maintenance service contracts will keep your machines working properly, allowing you to focus on your core business.

We provide a range of Service Level Agreements which include a help desk, a rapid response service and on-site visits by our highly-trained technicians for assistance, maintenance and training.

For your peace of mind, we ensure that all of our regions, are covered with nationwide networks of specialised technicians and support staff that will help you solve all technical and operational problems you may encounter, and will minimize any unpredictable downtime.

Learn more.

Beware of Counterfeit Parts

Poor-quality fake parts can lead from counting mistakes to serious failures that may cause a greater damage to your machines.

  • The service life of counterfeit parts is significantly shorter
  • It is not possible to claim consequential damages under the warranty when using fake products as warranty does not apply to counterfeit parts
  • Small savings made from buying a counterfeit part can be lost by subsequently having to repair other parts of the machine and customers can quickly lose trust

Anyone dealing with counterfeit products makes themselves liable.

Let us help you. Get in touch.